Champaka Academy® offers a Kindergarten with passionate Montessori trained teachers with fluency in English & other languages to take care and teach every child. Low teacher student ratio ensures adequate individual attention to children. We believe giving the child an enjoyable environment to learn and giving exposure to wide range of aspects to increase their curiosity and develop the urge to learn new topics.
Activities and Events
• Fancy Dress event to give them the first sense of stage
• Annual Day Event to showcase talent and skilful performance
• Appreciation of culture is ingrained by celebrating national festivals and festivals of all religions
• Celebration of fruit day, vegetable day, flower day and other concept days
• Two picnics as outdoor activity to admire and appreciate nature
• Visit to specially abled children home to develop sense of empathy
• Indoor and outdoor competitions to sow a healthy competitive spirit
• Optional summer camps for continued development
• Languages taught – English and Kannada, Optional Hindi
Activity Highlights
• Revised and updated curriculum with review by experts in this field
• Montessori equipments, puzzles and slates used abundantly
• Phonics initiated in pre-nursery is developed to word reading ability by end of LKG and fluent reading by UKG
• Writing skills developed in parallel
• Celebration of fruit day, vegetable day, flower day and other concept days
• Role plays for teaching concepts
• Drawing, coloring & Craft is encouraged
• Daily exercises for physical development
• Free play to support overall development
• Attractive playpen that kids will enjoy
• Color days throughout the year
• Water play in our own play pool
• Sand activity in our huge sand pit is encouraged for motor skill development
• Cosy Day Care to facilitate kids of working parents to balance career and family